
I imported my devices from an inventory file and there is one device per record. Is there any way to combine similar devices at the same location?

Yes. At the bottom left of the Device List screen you will see a dropdown menu that defaults to “Cluster.” The Cluster function allows you to check multiple devices that have all of the same device characteristics and then click, “OK.” NJTRAx will ask you to confirm, and then combine all of the selected devices into a single record. Select the location for the devices, add any missing data fields, and the resulting single record will contain all of your devices for easy editing.

What can I do if a device characteristic for one of my computers or tablets is not available in the NJTRAx list?

We try to ensure that new device characteristics are added when available, but there are so many makes and models available that a characteristic can slip past us. First, check the technical specifications of your device to ensure that it is correct. If so, use the contact form on to send us the device model information and the characteristic that you can’t locate. If it is correct, we will update NJTRAx and respond by email.